Fields define the individual pieces of information that can be stored on each Record Type. These fields can include links to other records, as well as all the usual text, dates, numbers and many other types that you would expect. They are the conceptual equivalent of adding a field to a database table.
See Branding for a discussion of how to configure Fields as part of consistent branding of a solution of functionality.
A Field is defined by adding a Field record, which contains the following fields:
The following Fields can be Read and Written To.
These Fields can be used to load data from Blueprints etc.
They can also be included referred to in Calculations or in Templates.
Field *required | Title | Type | Details |
RecordTypeName * | Record Type | recordtype | |
FieldName * | Internal Field Name | text | The internal name of the Field. This may not contain spaces. It becomes the name by which the
field may be referred to in Calculations. Maximum length – 80 characters |
FieldTitle | Title | text | Optional title, which will show as the title next to the field on records and as column header in Lists. If left blank, the title will be
derived from your Field Name. Maximum length – 80 characters |
FieldType * | Type | text | The type of value that the field will hold. Select link to have the field hold
a reference to another record. See Field Types for further details. Maximum length – 15 characters Permitted values: text, number, percent, currency, date, datetime, logical, file, image, link, duration, html, email, icon, calc, template |
FieldLength | Length | number | For text fields, leave this blank to get a multi-line text field, otherwise specify a maximum length and you will get a one-line field that restricts input to a maximum of this length. |
DisplayDecimalPlaces | Number of Decimal Places to Display | number | For any numeric field type, the number of decimal places of accuracy to display. Note that this makes no difference to the accuracy with which numeric values are stored. |
LinkedRecordTypeName | Linked RecordType | recordtype | The Record Type that this field holds. In other words, this field may hold a reference to a
record of the record type specified. Maximum length – 30 characters |
isRequired | Is Required? | logical | Set this Field as required if it is never permitted to have a record of this type without a value in this field. Consider this carefully, as setting this will mean that any attempt to create a record of this type without a value set will result in no record being created. A common requirement is for a field to be required in certain circumstances, e.g. as part of a Workflow. For example, a Sales Pipeline workflow might require that a Value field be filled in but only once the Opportunity record has reached a certain stage. In this case, do not set this flag, but use the option to set Mandatory Fields on the Steps associated with the Workflow. |
isUserEditable | Is Editable by Users? | logical | If a field is set as user editable, then it will normally be made available for editing i.e. will be shown on Add and Edit forms. If this is turned off (the default for fields linked to a Workflow), then the assumption is that the field’s value is modified only by scripts e.g. as part of a Step or Automation and/or by drag/drop on a ColumnView controlled by Steps. |
LinkedRecordListFieldName | Linked Record List Field Name | text | If this field is a link to another record (not a Category value), then that record’s display will show a list
of these records linked to it. Specify the title of the list that shows on the lookup record. If left blank, then the title will be the plural name of this Record Type. You will normally want to be more specific with a title particularly if you have multiple references to records of this type on the lookup record (e.g. Assets and Assets in Transfer on a Person record). Maximum length – 30 characters |
LinkedRecordListDisplayFields | Linked Record List Display Fields | text | When showing lists of these records on the linked record, use this list of fields as the columns in the record list.
If this is left blank, then only a link to each record will be displayed. Maximum length – 250 characters |
LinkedRecordListColour | Linked Record List Colour | colour | Optional HTML colour of the box in which the list of these records is shown on the lookup record. |
TemplateScript | Template Script | templatescript | This template script will be evaluated if the FieldType is set to template. This is similar in concept to a Calculated field,
but instead of evaluating a calculation, the template script is evaluated and the resulting output is presented as this field’s value
as Html. Note that when a template field is displayed in a DisplaySet, its Title is not shown – this is deliberate, allowing you
complete flexibility about what to display, typically in a dedicated DisplaySet. Typically you might use a template field to provide a custom menu/instructions/introduction to a ‘solution’ of additional functionality, complete with links to one or more Pages relevant to that solution. |
Calculation | Calculation | Calculation | Enter a Calculation to make this a Calculated Field rather than an input field. |
DefaultValueCalc | Default Value Calc | Calculation | Optional Calculation which will be evaluated to provide a default value on new records. Typically this is used to populate fixed values or those that vary by date. The calculation is not specific to an existing record and cannot refer to any other values of the new record being created. |
ListOfValues | List of Values | text | For text or numeric fields, optionally enter a list of permitted values separated by commas – this will result in these options being offered as a drop-down list of when editing the field. Use with caution – in many cases, using a link to a Category is a better option, as Categories provide easier filtering and analytics capabilities. |
SetName | Display Set Name | text | Enter the Display Set heading under which this field should be displayed on the record’s main display
screen, and (for non-calculated fields) the section of the data entry form that contains the field. Note that you can create a hidden field by leaving this blank. See Field Order and Grouping for further details. Maximum length – 30 characters |
SetColour | Set Colour | colour | Optionally specify an HTML colour (hex string) that will be used as the colour of the Display Set heading etc. See Field Order and Grouping for further details. |
DisplayAfter | DisplayAfter | text | Optionally specify the name of the field after which this one should be displayed in the Display Set specified.
Alternatively, enter top to have this field display as the first field in the Display Set.
If not specified, fields will be displayed in the order that they were created. See Field Order and Grouping for further details. Maximum length – 80 characters |
Description | Description | text | This optional description will appear below field on add/edit forms. Use this to provide specific guidance to your users on use of this field. |
isAlwaysShow | Always Show? | logical | Set this to ensure that this Field is shown on records even if it has no value. By default, fields with no value (including zeroes and logical fields that are false), are not shown to avoid ‘clutter’. However, for some Fields, it may make sense (and avoid confusion) to show them even if they are empty / zero / false. |
ShowCalc | Show Calc | Calculation | Optional Calculation that determines whether the field should be shown on the record. |
isPersonal | Contains Personal Data? | logical | If a field contains Personal Data in the context of GDPR compliance, set this flag to ensure that appropriate warnings are given about the use of data in this field. |
isKeyLookupField | Key Lookup Field? | logical | You can set this field so that it holds a key lookup, typically an account number from another system to which you wish to link your data records. If you set this option, then when data is loaded, the field will be checked for any existing records that have the same value. The practical upshot of this is that you can then load files of data from the linked system, with the account number in this field, and ensure that your existing record in PYXI gets updated. See Record Uniqueness for more details. |
SolutionName | Solution Name | text | Optional name of the Solution to which this Field belongs. This has no functional effect, but ensures that this
record is included if a Solution is extracted as a Blueprint. Note that a Field will automatically be included in a Solution
if it’s RecordTypeName is a RecordType included in the Solution. You only need to specify the Solution Name here if
you are adding a Field to a RecordType in another Solution, or a built-in RecordType (e.g. Person, Organisation) Maximum length – 50 characters |
ViewGroup | View Group | Group | |
EditGroup | Edit Group | Group |
The following Fields can be Read only. They can be referred to in Calculations or in Templates.
Field | Title | Type |
ListOfValuesArray | array | |
CountofValues | Number of Records with Values | number |
_DataLoadBatch | ||
Created | Created | datetime |
CreatedBy | Created By | Person |
Updated | Updated | datetime |
UpdatedBy | Updated By | Person |