Field Types


Text fields can contain either fixed length text (e.g. Fields have the FieldLength field set), or unlimited length text for multi-line descriptions etc.


Logical fields contain a true or false value. They are typically shown on forms as check-boxes.


Date fields contain a valid date without time. The date values are stored in yyyy-mm-dd format but are displayed in human-readable format. Date display can be controlled further using Date Functions in templates.


DateTime fields contain a date and time accurate to one second. The datetime values are stored in yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss format but are displayed in human-readable format. Datetime display can be controlled further using Date Functions in templates.


Number fields should be used for numeric values that do not represent a monetary value. Display of numbers can be controlled further using Number Functions in templates.


Percent fields should be used to store numbers that should be displayed as percentages. Note that a percent value is stored such that 1 means 1%, not 100%.


Currency fields are used to store numbers that represent monetary values. These are automatically displayed in currency format. Display of numbers can be controlled further using Number Functions in templates.
Funnel Views automatically use any field of type currency if no value fields are explicitly stated.
Analyser View automtically present all currency fields for analysis.


Email fields contain a single email address. They are validated as correct email addresses on forms, and are displayed as ‘mailto:’ links so will click-through to sending an email depending on the configuration of the device being used.


Phone fields are used to store telephone numbers. They are displayed as ‘tel:’ links so will allow click-through dialling on appropriate devices.

URL (Uniform Resource Locator)

URL fields are used to store a URL, being an external link that will be displayed as an HTML anchor link that opens another browser tab (target=”blank”). If no protocol is included, then http protocol is assumed i.e. store and the link will be to, but store just and the link will be to


HTML fields are used to store values that should be displayed as HTML. This will normally be calculated Fields that generate a value that is itself some HTML, e.g. a link to another external application. However, note that Fields of type ‘template’ are usually a better option for this use-case.


Location fields are used to store postal addresses. These are checked in the background and updated with a physical location if possible. In such cases, these are displayed as a link directly to an external page showing the location on Google Maps, and in addition, records with such locations can be viewed on the Map View.

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