Record Types define the type of information you can store in PYXI. These can include real-world ‘things’, transactions and Categories used as flags/attributes in Fields. If you were designing a traditional database application, you can think of Record Types as conceptually equivalent to adding a new table to the database.
When setting up a new Record Type, you will want to consider the following:
See Branding for a discussion of how to configure RecordTypes as part of consistent branding of a solution of functionality.
A new Record Type is defined by adding a RecordType record, which contains the following fields:
The following Fields can be Read and Written To.
These Fields can be used to load data from Blueprints etc.
They can also be included referred to in Calculations or in Templates.
Field *required | Title | Type | Details |
Name * | Name | text | Examples: Asset, AssetType The unique name of the RecordType used throughout configuration to identify records of this type. Must be alpha-numeric with no spaces. Although references to RecordTypes by name are not case-sensitive, we recommend following the convention of using Camel Case, and using the singular rather than plural for the name e.g. use Asset, not Assets; AssetType, not assettype or ASSETTYPE. Maximum length – 30 characters |
isCategory | Is a Category | logical | Select if this Record Type is used as a Category. This ensures that the values in this list can be picked easily in Filters. You should select this for any Record Type containing a list of options that you might want to analyse, or that are used to identify the state of other records in a business process. |
SolutionName | Solution Name | text | Optional name of the Solution to which this RecordType belongs. This has no functional effect, but can be used to group
together RecordTypes that are logically related as part of a set of functionality, typically installed in a single Public Blueprint.
The Solution Name is used to group RecordTypes on the Data Model diagram. Maximum length – 50 characters |
SolutionColour | Solution Colour | colour | Solution Colour is an optional HTML colour used to control the colour of the Solution defined by Solution Name as it is displayed in the Data Model diagram. It is optional, and has no other functional effect. |
isWorkflowCategory | Controls a Workflow | logical | Select if this Category is used to control a Workflow. Workflows typically consist of multiple Steps, usually managed using a Column View. |
ValueDisplayOrder | Initial Values / Value Display Order | text | Example: Lead,Opportunity,Prospect,Won,Lost Optionally specify the exact order in which values should be displayed. List each value separated by a comma. When adding this Record Type, the values listed here will be created as new records of the Category. This provides a quick and easy starting point for generating a simple Category. Maximum length – 200 characters |
isAllowInactiveFlag | Allow Inactive Flag | logical | Select this to permit identifying individual Category values as inactive – such values will remain against any existing records, but will no longer be available for selection on new records. |
isAllowAddOnFly | Allow Add On-the-Fly | logical | Select this to permit addition of new values to this Category when Data Load files contain values that do not already exist. |
IconName | Icon | icon | If set, this will identify the default icon to be used when displaying records of this Record Type, unless overridden by IconFieldName. |
IconFieldName | Icon Field Name | text | Maximum length – 30 characters |
Colour | Colour | colour | Colour is an optional HTML colour. It will be used as the generic icon colour of records of this type wherever displayed. |
ColourFieldName | Colour Field Name | text | Maximum length – 30 characters |
DisplayNameCalc | Display Name Calc | Calculation | Optionally enter a calculation that will be evaluated against each record to determine the record’s display name i.e. that which appears on the header of the record’s page and as the name of the record in any list Views |
DisplaySetOrder | Display Set Order | text | Optionally specify the names of Display Sets in the order in which they should be displayed initially (before potentially
being re-organised by each user). Any Display Sets used but not specified here will appear after those specifically
listed. Separate Display Set names with commas. Optionally specify the display size of any Display Set by appending _1 to _8 to the Display Set Name. Default width is 4 if unspecified (4 being half the screen width on large displays). E.g. to specify set WideSetName as full-width, followed by NarrowSetName as quarter-screen-width, enter WideSetName_8,NarrowSetName_2 Maximum length – 100 characters |
HomePageSetName | Home Page Set Name | text | This is the name of the Set in which the link to these records will be displayed in the Home Page. You will usually want this
to be the same for a logical grouping of RecordTypes that belong to the same ‘solution’ of business functionality. If you leave
this blank, there will be no link to these Records on the Home Page. The implication is that your users can get to these records by
some other more meaningful route e.g. by link from a parent record, or perhaps a link that you define in a Page. Maximum length – 30 characters |
HomePageSetColour | Home Page Set Colour | colour | If set, this colour will be used in preference to this RecordType’s own Colour. You would normally want to set this if your ‘solution’ has a standard colour which you want to use as the colour of the Home Page Set, even if this particular RecordType uses a different colour. |
isSuppressNameField | Suppress Name Field? | logical | Set this if you are creating a record type that does not require the Name field at all. Note that if you don’t have a Name field, you will need to specify a DisplayNameCalc to determine the text of links to your records. |
isNameFieldUnique | Enforce Unique Names? | logical | Set this to ensure that multiple records are not created with the same name. Note that this does not need to be set explicitly if this Record Type is set as a Category, as ALL categories forbid multiple records of the same name. See Record Uniqueness for more details. |
isAllowNotes | Allow Notes | logical | Select this to permit notes to be added to records of this type. |
isAllowFiles | Allow Files | logical | Select this to permit files and gallery images to be added to records of this type. |
isAllowSearch | Allow Search | logical | Select this to include records of this type in Search results. |
isAllowRecentlyUsed | Allow Recently Used | logical | Select this to include records of this type in the Recently Used list. |
isAllowRecordPDF | Allow Record PDF Document | logical | Select this to provide an option to generate a PDF of each record from its own page. |
isAlwaysHideListView | Always hide List View link | logical | If you select this, then the full-screen List View option will never be shown for this Record Type. Typically you would only select this if you know that you have provided at least one dashboard that includes a List Widget, and want to reduce the number of View selection options to avoid user confusion. In other words, consider carefully before selecting this, as you may just be unnecessarily removing potentially very useful user functionality. |
isAlwaysHideAnalyserView | Always hide Analyser View link | logical | If you select this, then the full-screen Analyser View option will never be shown for this Record Type. Typically you would only select this if you know that you have provided at least one dashboard that includes an Analyser Widget, and want to reduce the number of View selection options to avoid user confusion. In other words, consider carefully before selecting this, as you may just be unnecessarily removing potentially very useful user functionality. |
isAlwaysHideMapView | Always hide Map View link | logical | If you select this, then the full-screen Map View option will never be shown for this Record Type. Typically you would only select this if you know that you have provided at least one dashboard that includes a Map Widget, and want to reduce the number of View selection options to avoid user confusion. In other words, consider carefully before selecting this, as you may just be unnecessarily removing potentially very useful user functionality. |
isAllowMergeRecords | Allow Merge Records | logical | If you select this, then the option to merge records will be presented on any record of this Record Type. Typically you would only select this for Record Types where it makes sense to allow controlled merge of records which are functional duplicates. It will usually make sense not to set this for records that are tightly controlled in their setup and tracking by time or other grouping, where a merger could result in misleading counts and summary statistics. |
isUseRecordNumbers | Use Record Numbers | logical | Select this to confirm that this Record Type uses Record Numbers. A unique sequential Record Number will automatically be added to new records of this Record Type. |
FirstRecordNumber | First Record Number | number | Optionally specify the first Record Number to be used when adding record numbers to new records of this Record Type. |
RecordNumberDisplayMask | Record Number Display Mask | text | Optionally specify a display mask to apply to record numbers. Add prefix or suffix characters to a quantity of zeros specifying
how many leading zeros will be displayed. E.g. 00000 will display record number 1 as 00001. PER000000 will display record number
23 as PER000023. A000000XY will display record number 448 as A000448XY. Maximum length – 20 characters |
isTransaction | Is Transaction | logical | Select this to confirm that this Record Type is used as a type of Transaction. This ensures that functionality such as date ranging is enabled. |
isAllowAddValuesToCategory | logical | ||
isAllowAddAnalysisCategory | logical | ||
isAllowAddField | logical | ||
ViewRecordsGroup | View Records Group | Group | Optionally specify a Group whose users are allowed to see the whole record – if none is specified then any user that can see/select these
Records in linked fields on another RecordType (including if this RecordType is a Category) will be able to drill through to them.
Otherwise, users who are not members of this group will only see these Record Links/Category values as text, not as a link. Note that this is a special case to consider in the Group security model – if you need some users to see the names of Category values in fields that they have access to (for View and/or Edit), but do not want them to be able to click through and look at the whole category record, either because that makes no sense (nothing useful to look at) or because it would potentially reveal information they shouldn’t see, then you must still ensure that such users have VIEW rights to this Category record type, by making them members of a ViewGroup if it has been specified. You can then separately decide whether such users should also be given drill-through access by specifying this ViewRecordsGroup. Note also that you should consider whether scripts such as Automations require access to this RecordType. If they do, and you have protected access to this RecordType with a ViewGroup, then the application will not ‘know’ about this RecordType when logged in as a user not in that group. Any update either of a record of this type, or attempt to set a field in another record type to link to one of these records, will not work. In such cases, you should NOT set a ViewGroup, but should consider setting this ViewRecordsGroup if appropriate. |
EditRecordsGroup | Edit Records Group | Group | Optionally specify a Group whose users are allowed to edit records of this RecordType. If not set, then all users who can
view the records are able to edit them as well. Note therefore that this only needs to be set if the group of users that can edit these records is more restrictive than the group that can see them – otherwise, setting the ViewGroup alone is sufficient. |
allowEditCalc | Allow Edit Calc | Calculation | Optionally enter a calculation that determines whether an individual record can be edited. If no calc is specified, then records can usually be edited, provided that the user is a member of the EditRecordsGroup if set. To stop records from ever being allowed for edit, enter a calc of false. You may want to do this if you are setting all Fields to ‘controlled’, and intend to allow update of values only through tight control in a series of Steps. |
allowDeleteCalc | Allow Delete Calc | Calculation | Optionally enter a calculation that determines whether a record can be deleted. If no calc is specified, then only standard Automations apply (e.g. records can usually only be deleted by the user that created them, or by an administrator). To stop records from ever being allowed for deletion, enter a calc of false |
ViewGroup | View Group | Group |
The following Fields can be Read only. They can be referred to in Calculations or in Templates.
Field | Title | Type |
BlueprintInstall | Blueprint Install | BlueprintInstall |
_DataLoadBatch | ||
Created | Created | datetime |
CreatedBy | Created By | Person |
Updated | Updated | datetime |
UpdatedBy | Updated By | Person |