Record Selection


For any Record Type, there is a Record Selection screen that enables you to find and view multiple records in one or more different Views.

Record Selection screens remember the most recent View for that Record Type, so any time you return to the selection screen, the same View will show regardless of what other records and pages you have been viewing in the meantime (until you logout).

Selecting Views

Depending on the views available for this Record type, you will see different icons in the top-right of the Selection screen. The icon for the currently selected view will be shown faded, while the others will switch to the relevant views (discussed below). If the current user has rights to add records of this Record Type, then there will also be an Add Record button indicated by a ‘+’ icon.


23 Assets


Default List View

The default View for Record Selection is the List view, which shows records in a table with various Fields in the different columns. If there are more than 20 records to be displayed, then various page links will appear at the bottom of the list.

If there are any custom Steps or built-in actions on the Record Type, then an Actions column will always be displayed showing a link to each Step relevant to each record. This is a convenience as it avoids having to select a record first before selecting the Step, and also enables you to see at a glance which records require each Step. Note that this is a particularly good reason for using relevant colours as part of your Step configuration, as colours tend to stand out even more than icons.

As with any list, there is a button at bottom-right enabling you to request this list as a Spreadsheet file.

A Select Columns button at bottom-right enables you to choose different Fields to be displayed in the table columns. You can re-order Columns by dragging and dropping a column header to move it between other columns. In either case, the revised column layout is stored for the current user only, and is remembered between logins.


You can determine which records are displayed by entering a Filter expression in the filter bar at the top of the selection screen. This Filter will be remembered for each Record Type until you logout, so if you switch selection Views, or return to the Record Selection screen after viewing other records and pages, you will still see the same filter.

Note that retaining the filter between different views can be tremendously powerful. You can use one view to find the records you want, and another to review them in more detail. For example, you might use the Map View to filter on records in a particular location, then switch to, say, a List View to examine those records individually.

Viewing Records From a Linked Record List

If you are looking at a linked record list on an individual record’s page, you will find an expand icon in the top-right of the list’s heading. If you select this, you will be switched to the Record Selection page with the filter pre-populated to restrict the records to just those linked to the original record.

As this filter is also maintained between filter views until you remove it (or link through from a different linked record, this is another powerful way of benefiting from the different available views, and is usually the easiest way of filtering to records that are linked to another record.

For example, if you have some Sales records linked to a Person as the Salesman, then click through from an individual Salesman’s page to the Sales Record Selection view, then use the Analyser or perhaps a Funnel View to further analyse Sales for just that Salesman.

Analyser View

If there are one or more Category or Linked Fields on the Record Type, then an Analyser View (similar to a Pivot Table) will be offered.

Map View

If there are one or more Location Fields on the Record Type (e.g. Address), then a Map View will be offered.


Other Views may be created for each RecordType. These will only appear for each user if security permissions allow. See Column Views and Funnel Views help for more details.

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